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Catching Up

July 9, 2012

As you can imagine, things have been a bit hectic. The move ended up being hugely time consuming and fully exhausting. Note to self and others: don’t expect to work at your job, start a new job, move, and celebrate a holiday in the same week. I’m finally catching up with myself and my regular life activities, but I was definitely MIA for a little while. The new place still doesn’t have internet access (hopefully by tomorrow) so I got up early to go to the coffee shop this morning.

Remember when you were a kid and the summer felt like this endless age filled with promise? Days that dragged on, mosquito bites and dreaming about kissing boys up against big oak trees. Water sports, charcoal grills, citronella candles and watching movies in people’s basements. I know that we idealize the past but it’s hard not to crave those things now. Not that there aren’t myriad reasons to love life right now, there are (and I’ll list them soon), but I I’m jealous of that carefree feeling I used to have. My to-do list is two pages long and I don’t have a day off in sight, but I suppose we need to find the joy in the small things. Like this video I took yesterday from my rooftop:

(excuse the quality, I did this uploading and converting all very quickly and lazily)

Or my new flowers:

Or the fact that I was lucky (qualified and saavy) enough to go get a second job as a security precaution for getting a new, more expensive apartment. Or the fact that after living in apartments for four years I finally live in a building with an elevator (my arms and legs are grateful after getting home from Trader Joe’s yesterday with bags full of olive oil, wine, and beer-and maybe some food items, too) and a full-sized fridge (since I’ve lived in LA I’ve had half-fridges. Half fridge=hell)

Here’s to a smooth adjustment, summer nights and poor quality rooftop videos.

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